I know it has only been a solid month of my Convenience Store challenge, but I am going to go out on a limb, and hope I dont jinx it and say I feel great!! Im engergized, I dont feel weighed down, like I feel when I eat poorly, my mood is fairly good considering for me January leading into February has always been my least favorite period of the year in the Chicagoland. The cold, dreary days just get me down, and I start to get very unmotivated and prefer to stay home and veg, but not this time, I feel like spring is around the corner, and I am keeping busy and taking care of any and everything as best I can and enjoying hanging with family and most of all my son. Another improvement I believe I see is in my skin. Ive been drinking 3 cups of green tea a day. Sometimes I drink it hot, some times over ice and usually everyday as an afternoon pick me up, I put it in a smoothie. I feel like my selections of ingredients is endless from my local convenience store, and I love mixing and matching ingredients. Ive been informed that Some Walgreens carry bananas- mine does not, so I am not going to base this recipe on fresh banana because that will limit people. So I am going to incorporate my new "disovery" banana babyfood into this smoothy, just to give it the potassium that we all need, the smoothness, and ofcourse the natural banana taste.
serves 2
1 cup brewed green tea(let cool off) .20
1 cup canned frozen pinapple .70
1/2 cup banana baby food $1.19
4 icecubes
place in blender all ingredients
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